Do you have a Greywhale?

If you are concerned or simply curious to know whether or not your social impact organization has a greywhale.

We have provided a few questions below to help you determine this.


Greywhale - The gap between the important work an organization does and how that work and organization are marketed


What is your brand voice?

If this is your first time hearing this or you are unsure about what a brand voice is, you may have a Greywhale.

Is your visual marketing style consistent with your brand identity?

What are you showing your audience? Is it something they want to see, engage with or share or are you operating outside of your field to hopefully appeal to a wider audience?  If so, there is a high likelihood you have a Greywhale.

Are you keeping your promise?

Your brand promise is how you articulate your values, it's the standard by which you are judged by your clients. Are you and the members of your organization aware of what your brand promise is? If the answer is no, you likely have a Greywhale.

Where does your brand stand amongst your contemporaries ?

Understanding your brand's position and how your audience views you are very important to your brand's equity.  If you are unclear how you are positioned, then you have a Greywhale.


Note: These questions are only a sample of the extensive audit used to determine if your organization has a greywhale.

 If you are interested in solving this problem.

Or would like a Free Preliminary audit to determine whether you have a greywhale or not